
In the beginning...

1881 - Michael was born in Italy, one of Triplets - two boys and a girl.

1899 - Michael came to the United States for about a year and a half.

1900 - Michael returned to Italy and was drafted into the Italian Army. He was discharged only six months later.

Return of the Immigrant...

1901 - Michael returned to the U.S. in December and worked at the fairgrounds for 50¢ a day.

1902 - Michael met Teresa Dinunzio who had just come from Italy. She lived in Cortland, NY. After a short courtship they married on November 13th of that same year. They lived at 1010 North State Street.

1903 - On September 9th, Nick was born. Soon after, they moved to 825 North Salina Street. Michael went to work for Coughlin Brothers Candy Company, starting at the bottom. Shortly after, he was a first rate candy maker.

1905 - John was born on May 16th in Cortland, NY. The next move was to 2310 Lodi Street where they bought a house for $1,100.

1908 - Michael joined his brother Frank to form Spiech Bros. & Co. A common site in may sidewalks in Syracuse, the Spiech name was stamped in many concrete pads. This spelling was a slight variation on the Spicciati translation when several members of the family went through Ellis island. Even though the name was spelled differently they were still part of the same family tree.


1909 - Victor was born on August 14th. They moved to Cortland where Michael ran a butcher shop and trading post. Within months the family moved back to Syracuse and Michael started peddling ice cream cones with a horse and wagon. After only 3 months he put a second man on the road.

1910 - Michael bought eleven acres of land and built his own two-family house in Lakeland.

1911 - Joseph was born on March 24th.

1912 - They sold the Lakeland property and moved back to 2310 Lodi Street.

1913 - Mary was born on December 3rd.

1914 - Michael bought property at 924 Townsend Street and renovated it into a grocery store and 5 apartments. That year Libby was born on October 5th.

1915 - The family bought more land and started a small farm. They sold garden produce at the Fulton Street Market.

1918 - Michael went back to work for J.J. Coughlin making their famous Couglin-Coughless-Coughdrops.

1919 - Rose was born.

A Sweet Start...

1920 - Michael started a small candy business of his own in the back room of 924 North Townsend Street. The name of the operation was M. Speach Candy Company. They offered Michael own original cream peanut clusters, peanut brittle, ribbon candy, peanut bars, chocolate drops, marshmallow and coconut bars. Tony was born on December 5th.

1924 - The candy shop was expanded including: the cellar for chocolate, a new store front and two floors of candy equipment, renovated property on Division Street for the starch room, an office in the front and a large rear room for general candy equipment. That same year Al was born on May 27th.

1925 - Michael bought 709 North McBride Street which was known as "Speach Mansion." Starting that year Michael also bought property at Pond Street, Lodi Street, Greenway Avenue, North Salina Street and Star Avenue.

1927 - The candy store expanded to 2010 Lodi Street.


1929 - Teresa was told she had a gall stone attack. Later she was told she was pregnant. On April 10th, Ernie was born. The family continued to make candy through the Great Depression.


1933 - Michael got a job with the Park Department. John operated the candy store under "J.F. Speach Candy Company."

1935 - The family moved to Cortland and Michael opened the East End Cafe.

1936 - John moved the candy shop and equipment to Cortland.

1937 - Once again the family returned to Syracuse and lived on Lodi Street.


1938 - The candy store was re-opened on North Salina Street.

1939 - Michael sold some of the equipment and move the remainder to the property on Lodi Street.

1941 - On June 7th, the property at 1906 Lodi Street caught fire. The family moved in with Libby and her husband Charlie. In November repairs to the house were completed and the family moved back in and resumed their candy-making. The family made and sold candy from their home until World War 2.


1942 - Michael's sons: Vic, Al, Tony and Ernie began leaving for the Service.

1950 - Ernie married Rosemary Lobisco.

1952 - On November 13th, Michael & Teresa celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. All 10 children were there. That same year they made their first trip to Oakland, California by car with Libby and Charlie.

1953 - Ernie and Rosemary welcomed their Daughter, Angela.


1954 - Ernie and Rosemary had a son, Michael Ernest.

1958 - Michael decided to sell his home at 1906 Lodi Street to make California their new residence. Ernie and Tony drove Michael and Teresa to Chicago and put them on their first plane ride. Ernie and Tony took over several pieces of property owned by their father included a building at 2400 Lodi Street.

1960 - Michael became ill. Teresa and he returned to Syracuse by plane for the last time. Michael passed away later that year.

A New Generation...

1980 - Michael Ernest married Susan Fedrizzi in July of that year.

1982 - Michael Ernest and Susan started making candy at their home in Liverpool. Speach Candy Company had been reborn when Susan and Michael Ernest found his Grandfather's original recipes in storage. They had a son, Michael Junior.


1984 - A storefront was opened at 1012 Burnet Avenue. Speach Candy Chocolate Bars were found in taverns and convenient stores all over Syracuse. In this same year the Fedrizzi and Zingaro families became involved in the Candy Store. Parents, siblings, aunts and uncles were always on hand helping to prepare sweet treats for the holidays.

1986 - Melissa Marie was born in January.

1987 - Connie Marie was born in October.

1992 - Michael Ernest and Susan moved the business to 652 Old Liverpool Road to be closer to home and their children were growing up.

1994 - Michael Ernest and Susan moved the business to a new location, the old "Court House Restaurant" at 2400 Lodi Street - the same building that had been in the family for decades.

The Start of A New Millennium...

1999 - Michael Ernest and Susan remodeled the building to fit the needs of increasing business. The 1st floor was renovated into a retail store and the 2nd floor became a manufacturing kitchen.

2000 - Michael Junior graduates from high school.

2002 - Michael Junior graduates from Onondaga Community College and transfers to Ithaca College.

2004 - Melissa Marie graduates from high school.

2005 - Connie Marie graduates from high school.

2007 - Michael Junior graduates from Ithaca College and after many years, working in his chosen field of theatrical design, decides to take over the business.



2009 - New products are introduced: Joe's Peanut Butter Pretzel Pillows, Grandpa Herm's Assorted Chocolate Covered Potato Chips and over 20 varieties of Chocolate Brickles (Speach's version of Chocolate Bark).


2010 - The Speach Family Candy Shoppe celebrates 90 sweet years in business. Several new products are released which include the new Top Shelf Truffles (made with real top shelf liquors, wines and beers). A new wholesale line of products is also released allowing for the Speach brand to increase.

2011 - Business increases so much that several full-time employees are hired, all family or friends. Alexis Eddington, a cousin, is brought in as a chocolatier assistant.


2012 - Melissa Marie marries Joseph Samara.

- New products are introduced: Double D's (Double-dipped Chocolate Covered Potato Chips), mpB2 (Maple Pecan Bacon Brittle), and several new truffle flavors are added to the incredible assortment.
- In November, the shoppe celebrates its first Holiday Open House which was more of a party than a shopping sale. During the event many other small, local businesses visited the store and sampled their wares to the over 200 customers that visited that weekend.


2013 - Not one, but two new additions arrived at the beginning of the year, Joseph Manuel Samara and Carter Michael Speach.
- The year starts off a little shaky when due to excessive snow and ice part of the roof collapses at 2400 Lodi street causing the shoppe to be closed for several weeks but was able to re-open right in time for Valentine's Day.
- In April, the candy shoppe begins to offer Gelato and Sorbet along with Old-fashioned Bottled Sodas to their customers.


2014 - June 11th we invited another Speach into the family, Cameron Michael Speach.
August - We began a new partnership with the national gift chain, 1-800-Flowers and became a local fulfiller for their Fruit Bouquet line of chocolate and fruit arrangements and Shari's Berries.


2015 - We celebrate our 95th Anniversary with a big celebration and Open House at the retail store in November!


- In the summer we release our first full-color 40-page catalog showcasing our wholesale product line and customizable products.
- Our retail outlets exceed over 100 locations in New York State.
- We welcome another member to our family, Jackson Michael Samara.


On August 11th - The family lost, Manuel "Herm" Fedrizzi. A large presence in the community as well as in the candy shoppe. Grandpa Herm was one of the largest producers of chocolate covered potato chips for many years along with help from his wife Rose Fedrizzi. The running joke was that Herm kept a journal of how many trays of chips he made every day and always tried to beat the previous year.

Grandpa Herm

Only weeks later on September 4th the family lost Rosemary Lobisco Speach. Nanny, as she was referred to, might not have been a staple at the candy shoppe, but was surely one of the best advertisers, always mentioning her affiliation and support for the family business.


- We welcomed a new baby into the growing 5th generation of Speachs, Rosina Marie Samara.

In July the family lost, Michael Sr. after a long battle with cancer. Michael was the 3rd generation co-owner, with a big heart and crazy ideas. He was always a driving force and kept a steady momentum to every endeavor he pursued.


2020 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Speach Family Candy Shoppe. A bunch of things are happening to celebrate this occasion. The 10 Decades of Giving Event is a way for the Speach family to acknowledge their community and the support they have received over the last 100 years by supporting 10 local non-profits for the first ten months of the year. These organizations will receive a percentage of the profits for their selected month, as well as 100% of the profits on exclusive products designed for each of the organizations. Speach's also began the 100 for 100 program - recreating and imagining 100 new products for the year.


This year we celebrate 105 years in business. A few new products and ideas are brewing so stay tuned throughout the year for all our new sweet creations!